Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Foods on our San Francisco Tours

We're always looking for new food to add to our San Francisco Tours. Every season bring new food on our San Francisco Food Tours.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Springtime on our San Francisco Tours

On our San Francisco Tours, we're getting into springtime. Springtime is a time of renewal on our San Francisco Food Tours. With renewal comes new ideas. As a community, we're starting to see new ideas and new ways to support the neighborhoods on our San Francisco Culinary Tours.

From Chinatown to North Beach\Little Italy, our commitment on our San Francisco Tours is to our local community. Everything on our San Francisco Food Tours is strictly local. Local commitment, such as we have our San Francisco Culinary tours, should be everyone's resolution.

Today, I saw an advertisement on touting low prices. If that low price comes from goods that do not support local communities, such as Chinatown or North Beach\Little Italy, they are nothing more than a way that hurts everyone. Local manufacturing, local sales, and local reinvestment are all lost when products are not local.

Supporting local communities, like we do on our San Francisco Tours, should not be a new idea, however for many it is. It means that we know where the food we enjoy on our San Francisco Food tours comes from. Even the clothing I wear on our San Francisco Culinary Tours is from is sweatshop free. In other words, no child labor and the people producing made enough money to take care our their families.

In your local community, you can do the same. Just like on our San Francisco Tours, their are local merchants close to you. There are local foods, like we try on San Francisco Food Tours. Your clothing can be sweatshop free, just like I wear on our San Francisco Culinary Tours. It is a choice we can all made.