Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time to Celebrate the Holiday on our San Francisco Tours

On our San Francisco Tours, we really enjoy the holiday season.  It's a great time to taste some of the special foods of the season on our San Francisco Food Tours.

Each neighborhood on our San Francisco Tours has special foods for the holiday season, from Chinatown to North Beach\Little Italy. And on our San Francisco Food Tours, we enjoy adding on special foods for the holidays.

Our Holiday Tours are a great example of eating locally and seasonally. These San Francisco Tours highlight the best of the season.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Perspective from our San Francisco Tours

On our San Francisco Tours. we focus on local food, We also believe that individuals can change their communities. Communities can be changed for the better or for the worse.  In a few days, those of in the US have a choice, between those who would lift us up and those who would tell us that the only way forward is to do so on the backs of others.  In listening to all of arguments, I'd suggest you ask yourself which arguments lift us up.

On our San Francisco Food Tours, we believe the communities progress when they move together and whenever everyone is lifted up. When we shop locally and eat seasonally, we lift up the entire community. From the shop owner who sells the food to the farmer who grows the food. When we look at our communities, there is no isolated part of our community and another isolated part of the community.    We are all part of the same community. It is only when we lift up the entire community that all of us are lifted.