Sunday, May 4, 2008

Start of Cherry Season

On our San Francisco Tours, we love to keep on what is in season.  The good news is that cherries are starting to come into the market. On our San Francisco Food Tours, we talk about pairing foods. Since the cherries coming into the market are sour cherries, they are great in pies, however if you have ever eaten a sour cherry, they are little too tart to eat raw. On our San Francisco Tours, we try different  kinds of food to see how different food have different flavors. Our San Francisco Food Tours, you'll find how it is really a case of what do you personally like. Our San Francisco Tours try to emphasize how important it is to trust yourself.   So, as you'll find on our San Francisco Food Tours, if you like to eat sour cherries raw, that's great. You are the best judge of what you like.

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